Chemistry courses in English for ERASMUS students

at the Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary


Erasmus coordinator of the Institute of Chemistry: Istvan Gy. Zsely (e-mail:

title code level type number of hours / week ECTS credit number semester


Analytical chemistry kv1n1an1 BSc lecture X  
Analytical chemistry laboratory practice kv1n4an2 BSc laboratory practice 4 4 X  
Biochemistry kv4bk2 BSc lecture 2 2   X
Bioinorganic chemistry kv1n1en7 BSc lecture 2 2 X  
Chemical technology ka6tc1 BSc lecture 3 3 X
Environmental analysis aaan1040 BSc lecture 2 3   X
Environmental analysis laboratory practice aa1n4041 BSc laboratory practice 2 3 X  
Environmental chemistry kv1n1kr1 BSc lecture 2 2   X
Green chemistry laboratory kv1n4zk1 BSc laboratory practice 4 4   X
Inorganic chemistry I kv1n1en1 BSc lecture 2 X  
Inorganic chemistry II kv1n1en2 BSc lecture 3 3   X
Inorganic chemistry laboratory kv1n4en3 BSc laboratory practice 6 6   X
Introduction to nuclear chemistry kv1n1mg1 BSc lecture 2 2   X
Instrumental analysis kv1n1an3 BSc lecture 4 4  X  
Instrumental analytical laboratory kv5an5 BSc laboratory practice 4 4   X
Measuring techniques in physics kafiz2 BSc laboratory practice 2 2   X
Nuclear chemistry lab kv1n4mg3 BSc laboratory practice 3 3 X  
Preparative organic chemistry 1 kv1n4es3


laboratory practice 4 4 X  
Preparative organic chemistry 2 kv4es4


laboratory practice 4 4   X
Physical chemistry 1 kv1n1fz1


lecture+seminar 4 4    X
Physical chemistry 2 kv1n1fz3


lecture+seminar 3 3 X  
Principles of colloid chemistry kv1n1kl1


lecture 2 2   X
Theoretical chemistry I ka2lm1 BSc lecture 3 3   X
Organometallic chemistry kv1n1en5 BSc/MSc lecture 2 2 X  
Organometallic and catalysis laboratory course kv1n4en6 BSc/MSc laboratory practice 5 5   X
Basics of nuclear sciences ffen173 MSc lecture 2 2 X X
Bulk and surface interaction between macromolecules and surfactants kvvn9569 MSc lecture 2 2   X
Computational chemistry kvvn9255 MSc lecture 2 2   X
Electrochemical methods in corrosion and electrodeposition of metals kvvn9387 MSc lecture 2 2   X
Electrostatic interactions in colloid systems kvvn9554 MSc lecture 2 2 X  
Methods of protein crystallography kvvn9778 MSc lecture 2 2 X  
Nuclear techniques in structural chemistry ffen1839 MSc lecture 2 2   X
Particle physics for chemists fktn9664 MSc lecture 2 2 X X
Radioanalytical chemistry lab ka2mg1  MSc laboratory practice 4 4   X
Spectroscopic application of photoionization kvvn9178 MSc lecture 2 2 X  
Theoretical chemistry II kvvn9201 MSc lecture       X
X-Ray crystallography kvvn9185 MSc lecture 2 2 X  

If the number of incoming students choosing a course is below 5 the course will be held in tutorial form.

The laboratory courses can not be chosen in the same semester with their major theoretical courses.